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Questions about extraordinary things (no matter how small), the project, the book in progress, inviting Suzanne to speak, and other developments are all welcome at This site is updated regularly, though not constantly, and all legitimate queries are answered as they are received.

Thank you for your interest. And be sure to subscribe below for updates!

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How Do I Tell My Story?

Everyone who remembers a highly unlikely or life-changing circumstance that stretches logical explanation, or that you couldn't have planned if you tried, can contribute to The Extraordinary Project. We accept video as well as written anecdotes. It's your choice (but video is more fun!).

To write your story:

To write your story, simply open an email to and spill it. Don't worry about length or making it perfect. If we have questions, we'll get back to you about it. It's pretty satisfying to write these experiences out, so enjoy the process of retelling this incident, and know it has joined a real world family of other similar stories.

To share a video:

Step 1: Into an iphone or laptop video, start by saying your name. Then give us a few time-and-place details. Where were you? How long ago? Don't censor yourself or over-think it. Just tell the story. Include important details, and keep it to 3 minutes.

Step 2: If you record your video via iPhone, transfer it to your computer. You need a cord to do this probably. Name the file with your last name and the date and save it to your desktop.

Step 3: If you don't have one already, get a Gmail account. The easiest way to send your video story via email is through Google Drive. For this you will need a gmail account, which is free and instantly available after set up.

Step 4: Open your gmail account, and prepare an email to:

Step 5: Select the Google Drive symbol. This is a thick triangle shape next to the paperclip attachment symbol.

Step 6: Upload and Send. Wait until the video fully uploads before you press Send. It may take a few minutes.

Thank you for contributing to an unprecedented social art project.